New Year, New Biscotti

20 Jan

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Happy New Year! Welcome January 2013

Christmas is over and the New Year is a rollin on……
Like most, January has been a time to counteract the festive over indulgence with a few less cakes and alas, with less cakes to eat there has, of course been less baking. BOOOOO
However, the baking denial is over! Hell yeah!  Its about time for a bit of a treat!

Chocolate Orange Biscoti

These gluten and dairy free chocolate biscotti morsels won’t put too much of a dent in your diet and go rather well with a soy cappuccino, if we do so say so ourselves.  We found this recipe after a nosey on the internet and adapted it to use up some of the Christmas baking leftovers. Score Made with almond flour,no oil or butter and gluten and dairy free delicious, you can safely go nuts with these babies! Enjoy!

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Chocolate Orange Biscotti

½ cup of agave nectar
2 eggs, beaten
2 cups of blanched almond flour
1 cup of cocoa
½ teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda
½ cup dairy free orange chocolate chips
½ cup dried mixed fruit
Pinch o’ salt
Hint of vanilla

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The how to

1) In a bowl mix together agave, eggs and vanilla
2) In a another bowl, stir together almond flour, salt and bicarbonate of soda
3) Combine the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients and beat until combined
4) Fold in the chocolate chips and dried fruit
5) Transfer dough to a prepared baking tray and form a log shape with the dough
6) Bake for 30 minutes and then remove from the oven and allow to cool
7) Once cool, cut log into inch slices and place on their side on the baking sheet
8) Bake again for 15 minutes, then turn over the slices over and bake again for another 15 minutes.
9) Remove from the oven, and allow to cool and crunch up

2 Responses to “New Year, New Biscotti”

  1. Mykie January 20, 2013 at 11:32 PM #

    Yum…love biscotti!

    • TheVanillaDuck January 21, 2013 at 6:36 PM #

      Thanks bro…I do too yummers

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